31 July 2016

Listening skills

From an information security perspective, it is easy to get into the habit of framing threats in terms of someone “breaking into” things. Which from just the terminology alone, inspires mental images of balaclava wearing attackers, explosions and melodramatic electrical short circuits etc. However, in reality it often turns out that no drama and no active breaking-in is required at all. In fact, in many situations all you require is a spot of sedentary, passive listening to get access to whatever you wish to.

So, say for example you want to get into a building. These days, most access control systems are based on single-factor RFID, where you wave your card at a reader at the point of entry. All that is required is to loiter at a high-footfall point near the building during peak hours, carrying a long range RFID scanner in your rucksack. Hey presto, a handful of cloned door entry cards [1]. For the occasions where the card also requires a PIN to be entered, or where there is only a PIN, then that’s not a problem either. Simply wait for someone else to use it, then use your trusty infrared camera to see the buttons their finger has touched [2]. Worried that you’ll leave your face all over their CCTV? You shouldn’t have to be if the building is protected with IR sensitive cameras. To defeat them, all you need is an IR cap, which looks normal to the naked eye, but includes powerful IR lamps in the peak to blind the cameras [3]. Instant incognito, wherever you go.

Great, so once you’re in the building; then what? Now you just need an unattended network point to plug into. Simply find an empty meeting room, or if the office is the usual hot-desking affair, then look for an unused one and ask if it’s ok to grab it for a few hours. At this point, all you need to do is plug in the packet sniffer that you brought with you. These now come pre-packaged in a variety of different, anonymous looking formats, such as filtered power strips etc. [4]. No need to wait, just return later the same day to collect it.

Why would a packet sniffer be any use to you? It’s because modern network infrastructure is enormously complex, which in practice means prone to issues. Although by design, switches are supposed to keep traffic point-to-point between sender and receiver, when the switch gets a bit confused, it mostly falls back into spraying the traffic everywhere. Sometimes this is due to a misconfiguration, but it can also happen when lines flap, devices are reset, or internal switch tables get flushed or overloaded. Unfortunately, on a large network with thousands of connections, that will happen much more frequently than you might imagine. The result being that rather conveniently, all you need to do is to plug into the network, and then just wait for something interesting to come to you.

About ten years ago, when I was running a lot of on-site security assessments, I wrote a research tool called “passive aggressive” to automate the task. Typically, after leaving it plugged into a corporate network for an hour or so, I would have the credentials for managing the network hardware, along with a dozen active directory accounts too (including, if I was really lucky, someone in the IT team who was a privileged user).

The elegance of this approach is that it is almost entirely passive. No breaking in is required, which means there should be little (if any) audit trail produced that would trip up any monitoring tools. No incident to respond to!

How do you stop something like this happening? The truth of the matter is that getting your information security right isn’t something you achieve by buying a product, running a tool, or gaining a certification. It is a long, laborious journey that entails first understanding what you need to protect, and only then taking proportional, pragmatic action to gain the maximum value out of every penny you spend.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with first engaging your brain. ;)


  1. http://hackaday.com/2013/11/03/rfid-reader-snoops-cards-from-3-feet-away/
  2. http://petapixel.com/2014/08/29/heres-iphone-thermal-cameras-can-used-steal-pin-codes/
  3. http://odditymall.com/justice-caps-hide-your-face-from-surveillance-cameras
  4. http://lifehacker.com/5952327/turn-a-raspberry-pi-into-a-super-cheap-power-strip-packet-sniffer

12 July 2016

How do you like them cyber apples?

On first glance, it’s easy to think of the HMG Cyber Essentials scheme as being a very low bar as far as security standards go. After all, it only contains a scant five requirements, which consist of:

  1. Boundary firewalls and internet gateways
  2. Secure configuration
  3. Access control
  4. Malware protection
  5. Patch management

Which on the face of it, is actually pretty straightforward. However, a forthcoming HMG revision to the requirements scope may redraw your organisational landscape dramatically.The particular line reads:

“Remote devices with access to internal services are in scope, regardless of whether or not they are owned by the organisation.”

Which has the effect of making Cyber Essentials apply to all your home workers, and by inclusion, their personal phones and PCs that they use to access the office systems.

Clean-up, aisle five... ;)

What’s up with the MySpace passwords?

Just in case you missed it, it was announced in the last few days that MySpace was hacked in 2013 and allegedly kept it quiet [1]. The result being that 427m user accounts were compromised, and as has become the norm, there is a general wringing-of-hands amongst the security community about how poorly MySpace protected the passwords. I mean, using an unsalted SHA1 hash to protect a password? How Last-Tuesday.

However, if you are one of the people who is thinking that MySpace would have been ok if they had just salted the passwords and then used SHA256 to hash them, then sadly you are equally wrong, and I shall explain why.

For an industry that is rooted in technology, information security is disproportionately full of Conventional Wisdom [2] that is misplaced or outright wrong. So why might that be, when there are so many obviously clever people around? I personally think it’s because the knowledge domain has grown to be so enormous that no single person can cover it all. So even the brightest practitioners are left skimming the surface. The result is that there is a tendency to latch onto something and to repeat it as fact, without having understood the detail.

A good example of this is the holy crusade against using hashing algorithms that are perceived to be weak for password storage, such as MD5 and SHA1. Now it is true, they are weaker than recent alternatives like SHA256, so why would I think it is Conventional Wisdom? It’s because when it comes to storing passwords, the choice of hash algorithm is often the least critical factor. Plus, whilst it is better than nothing, just adding a salt isn’t going to make everything ok either.

The crux of the issue is down to the volume of computing power that can be brought to bear on the hashes, once they are obtained. Which today, with the use of GPUs and custom ASICs, is both enormous and also cheap in relative terms. Don’t forget that in this scenario, no-one is exploiting weaknesses in the hash function: it’s a matter of raw performance. The result being that with the appropriate hardware, it is possible to calculate billions of hashes a second, no matter which algorithm is chosen. Which means that any argument that proposes one hash function over another is effectively irrelevant [3].

So if SHA256 and a salt isn’t the solution, what is?

Firstly, it’s worth stating that no approach to encryption or hashing offers absolute security, just a quantifiable probability. So password storage is all about accepting that protecting the hashes isn’t about making it impossible to recover the password, just about making it too time consuming or costly to be practical.

Secondly, it’s also worth stating that the password storage is only half the equation. If the passwords themselves are weak, then it really won’t matter at all how they are stored, as the simplest route to recovering them is to just use a dictionary to guess common passwords.

So what is the answer? It just so happens that the principals of what makes a good approach to storing passwords were established years ago, with the creation of Key Derivation Functions (KDF) [4]. No home brewed solutions required, simply take an off-the-shelf algorithm, plug in the passwords, and store the output for later comparison.

So why is a KDF better than SHA256 and a salt? It’s because the contemporary KDFs are both processor and memory intensive. Which means that they can’t be used to calculate millions of potential password guesses a second, and what’s more, the memory requirements mean they are impractical to run on GPUs and ASICs.

So in summary:

  • If you aren’t enforcing strong passwords, it doesn’t really matter how you store them, they’ll still be easy to recover. Garbage-in-garbage-out.
  • When it comes to password storage, the hash function isn’t anywhere near as important as the KDF. 
  • If you are still recommending something home-brewed rather than a KDF for processing passwords prior to storage, then stop.


  1. http://www.dailydot.com/technology/myspace-database-hack-leakedource/ 
  2. Conventional Wisdom is a body of ideas that are generally accepted to be true, however they are not necessarily so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conventional_wisdom 
  3. http://blog.ircmaxell.com/2011/08/rainbow-table-is-dead.html 
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function

What do you mean, I’m not the customer?

In case you missed it, there was a little bit of a hullabaloo a while back when people woke up to the fact that for the applications you use for free (like Google, Facebook and Twitter etc.), you’re not the customer. In fact, in this situation you are the product that Google et al sells to their real customer: the fee-paying advertisers.

It’s the economic reality that underlines why you as a user of Google email will quickly find that there is no support available, whilst in contrast, if you are an Adwords user, Google all-but falls over itself to speak to you and encourage you to get more from their system (i.e. spend more money).

And I’m not knocking it. As a model it works well: people who were never going to pay for an email service get one, and in return they surrender the rights to their personal details so that they can be advertised to. A marriage made in heaven.

However, the concept isn’t limited to application vendors though, and you don’t need to look too far to see that this is a very similar model used elsewhere. For example, as a regular personal banking customer, who keeps your bank within balance and uses a debit card, you make the bank absolutely no profit at all. Which is why the high-street branches have disappeared and the basic level of customer support is tardy.

So where do the banks make their profit from your personal account instead? They make it by selling merchant services to vendors, and taking a percentage from every transaction that you put through their systems. Gosh, I wonder if that’s why there is now a concerted push to ban cash within Europe?

Anyway, whilst you’re not the customer as such in any of these situations, rather amusingly you are still paying for it all (just not transparently, and not at source). For the advertising-driven applications, like Google, the advertisers will obviously be recouping their advertising costs from anything you buy from them. And for the banks, the vendors you visit with your debit card, will obviously be adding the merchant fees to your purchase price as an inevitable cost of business.

Now, this week’s homework assignment is for you to notice anyone else operating the same business model and call them out. Bonne chance! ;)

A little adversity goes a long way...

I don’t think I’m remarkably different from other parents in the way I feel about my children: I love them unconditionally, they are my absolute priority in life, and I would do anything for them. However, where I depart from the norm though is the way I think about them. As an example of this, after due consideration, I have decided that I don’t want to protect them from harm. Just the fatal stuff.

Why would that be? I believe that, in the same way that inoculations challenge their immune system and make it resilient to disease, bite-sized chunks of adversity will make my children stronger, more self-reliant and more resilient to life’s challenges. Consequently, I encourage them to try new things, and foster a culture of accepting failure as an inherent part of the learning process. Because objectively, it’s no big deal. Simply a necessary step-stone on the path to success.

And yes, I do eat my own dog food: I have a life-time’s worth of failure to reflect upon, and it’s done my outlook no harm at all. ;)

Know thyself!

When evaluating security controls, it is common to use self-certification as a way to strike a balance between cost and value. For example, whilst you could pay your auditor to flip every stone in your organisation (thereby funding their progeny through medical school), it makes much more financial sense to focus their time on the areas of greatest risk, or least foreknowledge. So how are these areas generally chosen? Typically, through the answers provided in a questionnaire.

Now, whilst using a questionnaire for the quantitative evaluation of security controls is quite straight forward (you count things that are there, or otherwise) the qualitative evaluation is much more subtle. Mostly because it is difficult to separate the answers from both personal and contextual bias.

My own experience of this has been best informed through interviewing several thousand candidates for consultancy roles. As part of this, I have always used a brief telephone interview as the first step in filtering out any mismatches. And whilst the main purpose of the call is to evaluate the psychology of the candidate, the general format will follow a questionnaire targeted at exploring knowledge in several technical domains, along with detecting any affinity towards a particular Disney Princess.

As part of this interview, each technical domain is preceded with a request for the candidate to rate their knowledge on a scale of zero to five, where zero is no knowledge and five is they know everything. In my experience, the answers to these questions really only fall into three broad buckets: those who consistently answer three, those that consistently answer four, and those that alternate between answering one and four.

In practice, it is a rarity for anyone to answer zero or five, just as it is equally rare for anyone to rate theirself accurately: those with weak knowledge consistently over state, whilst those with strong knowledge consistently under state (if only as a form of professional modesty).

So what do I personally take away from this?

In my experience, a qualitative questionnaire is almost worthless to leave with someone to fill in later. In fact, even if you go through it interactively with someone, the answers themselves are rarely useful. For me, the real value lies in reading the interviewee’s body language (or aural cribs) as you take them through the questions.

Once complete, you will probably still not have a reasonable qualitative evaluation of any controls, but if you are paying attention, you will know exactly which areas your interviewee is worried about, or doesn’t understand. No matter what answer they actually gave.

There is no spoon. ;)

Why undermining authority figures is good for your children…

As a general approach to life, I tend to be quite happy holding an opinion counter to the crowd. Sometimes it will be something trivial and just a little quirky. At other times, it’ll be something fundamentally against the grain, which might get eyebrows raised and the spittle flying. Always though, it will be because I have taken the time to think about it.

An example of this is the way I look to protect my children. Many of the other parents I have spoken to are horrified to hear that when I was teaching my children about avoiding being a victim of abuse, I wasn’t coaching them to be wary of strangers, but instead I was warning them about family friends, teachers and relatives.

The other parents seemed to feel that I was undermining those in a position of authority, or in some way damaging my children’s idyllic childhood. And whilst I’ll happily admit to the former, I’ll strongly disagree with the latter. Because the statistics for abuse are crystal clear. The people that convention would have us believe are shining beacons of trust, simply aren’t. In fact, it is much worse than that. Those that our children are often taught to confide in, are actually their biggest threat. Over 90% of the perpetrators of child abuse will be someone the victim knows well [1].

So instead of following convention, I have done everything I can to instil in my children good judgement and self-trust. To be aware of the behavioural patterns in those around them, and to trust their instincts when they notice that they deviate unexpectedly.

That said, a little Jujitsu also goes a long way too. ;)

  1. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/child-abuse-and-neglect/child-sexual-abuse/sexual-abuse-facts-statistics/

No, you’re not Penetration Testing. Get over yourself.

The amount of time I have seen wasted haggling-the-toss over what constitutes a Penetration Test is a constant source of amusement (especially as it is almost always by someone who clearly has no idea). And yes, I’m quite aware of the irony of me taking this article and throwing it onto the same vanity bonfire, along with the rest of the waffle.

The reality is that it is now coming up to twenty years that I have been delivering commercial Penetration Testing services, and in all that time I can think of only one client that actually wanted a genuine, dictionary-definition Penetration Test. Just one!

Why might that be? Because it is potentially a very expensive exercise, both from the perspective of the amount of effort required to actually break all the way into someone’s systems (especially when it might require identifying zero-day vulnerabilities and developing new exploit code to use them), plus also because there is a very real chance that delivering those exploits will impact on expensive production platforms.

Meanwhile, the daily reality for those delivering the projects is that they are almost always delayed to the eleventh hour, and time constrained to the point where there is barely enough to get the basics complete. And that’s even before you add in the headaches caused by unreliable, unavailable systems, and access-control mishaps. Once you factor all that in too, it means that there is rarely enough time to do more than note the presence of a new vulnerability, let alone to pursue it through to a fully working exploit (and no, popping a javascript alert box doesn’t count).

So at best, what is described as a Penetration Test is often little more than a comprehensive scan of vulnerabilities, topped-up with some manual verification of issues that the tools don’t do a very good job of finding. At worst? It’s not even that.

And what about the single, mythical client that actually wanted a real Penetration Test? Oh, that was a London council, where the IT Security Manager blew a big chunk of his budget on getting us to hack all the way into his (apparently much loathed) CEO’s desktop. Simply to prove a point.

Ah the ego. She is beautiful, no?

Why date rape drugs are everyone’s problem…

It’s quite likely that you have heard of the so-called date rape drugs, but you think that they are something that happens to people of a different gender, or age range, or social circle. If this is the case, then sadly you are just as wrong as I was, and I shall explain why.

Like some of you reading these words, my knowledge of these drugs used to be based entirely on a few headlines that I had read in the media, plus the Hangover series of films. It’s hardly what I would call encyclopaedic or well informed, but let’s face it: I’m a beardy, middle-aged man and not exactly ripe for being drugged in a bar. Or so I thought.

However, all that changed last year when my group of friends were targeted at a party and our drinks were spiked. To cut a long story short, we were lucky. For a start, I am physically quite large, and didn’t get enough of a dose to entirely rob me of my senses. So we managed to keep ourselves out of trouble, and in all, it ended up being a bit of a scare, but no lasting damage was done.

At this point, it’s worth saying (for those who don’t know) that the effects of this group of drugs tend to be to supress the conscious, rational part of your mind, and make you very suggestible to things you might not normally do. Along with this, they also disrupt the formation of memories, so afterwards you may only have a vague recollection of events. It’s easy to see why they are called date rape drugs, but it’s not as two-dimensional as that.

In the weeks after my own brush with these drugs, I shared my experience with friends, colleagues and family, and was surprised to find that it wasn’t some freak rarity, but that many of the people I spoke to had their own stories to tell. And the more I listened, the more it became clear that my preconceptions were very wrong, and I imagine that yours might be too, because:

  • It’s not just about sex: many of those drugged were robbed rather than assaulted.
  • It’s not just something that men do to women: many were men who were raped by other men, or men who were robbed by women.
  • It’s not just strangers who are a threat: many were drugged by someone they knew, such as a colleague or relative.
  • It’s not just the naïve who were caught out: some were among the brightest, most street-wise people I know.
  • It’s not just something that happens to youngsters: many were adults with families of their own.
  • It’s not just something that happens in bars and clubs: many incidents occurred after meals, in homes, or at office events.

And if after reading all that, you are still thinking it is nothing to do with you, then I’ll leave you with a final cheery thought. Due to circumstances, most of those drugged didn’t realise what had happened until much later and any evidence was long gone. So even if they knew who drugged them, they felt helpless to act.

Out of all the stories I heard, an unpalatable aspect was that only one person was held to account: a co-worker who had been fired, but had received no criminal record. Which means that every single one of them is still out there, free to repeat their actions as they wish. That’s a lovely thought, isn’t it?

So, do you still think it’s something that happens to other people?

Can I interest ma’am in a slice of TDD?

The perception of time passing is a funny thing. It only seems like yesterday that I was still a child and the summer holiday seemed to last a lifetime. And now, here I am somewhat surprised that my complement of fingers and toes are no longer enough to count the years that I have been developing software. In fact, I now need an assistant to contribute two feet and one hand too. Ouch!

Anyway, in all my years of writing code there has been a constant stream of faddy languages, gimmicky ideas, and people making proud announcements that developers are no longer needed due to their revolutionary product that will “virtually write the code for you”.

Needless to say that most have passed on a lot quieter than when they arrived. However, as well as the hot air, there have also been a handful of really simple, yet elegant ideas that have forever changed the way development is delivered. Ideas such as the agile manifesto.

Out of these, if I were to pick the one that has had the biggest impact on my own code, and has also helped me to do the same for client organisations, then it would be Test Driven Development (TDD). For those not already familiar with the term, the basic concept of TDD is that you first write your tests, then develop your code until it passes the test. What could be more simple than that?

In my opinion, if the one improvement an organisation makes is to follow this basic TDD recipe, then the overall quality and reliability of their software will be greatly improved. And as a result, for possibly the first time ever, they will also have the confidence that it actually does what it is supposed to do. Why? Because they can prove it empirically.

However, whilst this will get them a product that does everything they expect it to (or at least, everything the person who wrote the tests expected), it gives them little confidence around anything else. In terms of the Rumsfeldian quadrant, they are only tackling the known knowns, and they are still leaving all the unknown stuff to its own devices. And you know how the devil likes to make work for idle unknowns.

So when I first start working with a development team to fix their security issues, it is common to find their tests are very simple, and mostly focused on proving a desired use case works. Very little thought has been given to the application gracefully detecting and coping with anything else. Which is a bit scary, as for every use case there is an equal and opposite bus-load of abuse cases (figuratively swerving across the central reservation and into oncoming traffic).

I’m already starting to ramble, so I’m going to end here, but before I do I just want to finish up with my top-tips for getting the best from the TDD process:

  • Build both use and abuse case tests before writing any actual code. 
  • Seek out the most anally-retentive developer on the team, and cajole them into writing (or at least checking) your tests. 
  • There are a lot more possible abuse cases than use cases, so if you count your tests and find that you don’t have more negative tests than positive, then you should start suspecting that something is amiss.
  • Don’t stop refactoring until all the tests pass. 

Act your shoe size, not your age…

When I was but a wee lad and dinosaurs still roamed the earth, one of the insults I would regularly trade with my peers was the classic, “act your age not your shoe size”. Which makes sense if you are eight years old and using UK shoe sizes, but probably doesn’t work so well if you are older or live elsewhere in the world… …Or does it?

For you see, somewhere between then and now, my reading list expanded to include a broader church than just Whizzer and Chips. And along the way I bumped into Zen Buddhism’s concept of Shoshin, or “the beginners mind”.

For those not familiar with Zen, Shoshin is in essence the ideal way that a beginner might approach a new topic: fully conscious of their lack of knowledge, but open minded and eager to learn. It’s a concept that lives in the same postcode as Proust’s “new eyes”, only several houses further along the street.

So armed with this new perspective, if we were to head back to the playground of my youth, the insult is gone and instead the words become a marshalling cry to see the world anew, without assumption and prejudice. Which is no bad thing.

What was the last insult you traded, that turned out (with thought) to be anything but?

A brief thingy of time…

One of the things I love about having children is that at times I find myself starting to explain something to them, only to realise mid-flow that I am struggling to put a complex concept into words that they can readily understand. Because the sobering truth of the matter is that if you can’t do so easily, then you need to accept that you don’t actually know the subject that well yourself. Ouch.

This week’s ego deflating moment came after I had finished watching a film with my fourteen-year-old daughter. The film had an aspect of time jiggery-pokery to it, and she was saying that it didn’t make sense that someone in the past might know what would happen in the future. The conversation wandered on through some of the possible ways that I thought this might happen, such as parallel universes, time dilation, and gravity lensing, et al. And whilst she appeared to be interested (or was doing a great job of faking it) I was acutely aware that some topics which I thought I understood well, had suddenly become peppered with terms like “thingy”. A sure sign that something wasn’t quite right.

Fortunately, I am the kind of person who is perfectly comfortable with finding that I have gaps in my knowledge. Mostly as (rumour has it) I’m also bright enough to recognise them as opportunities for growth and to backfill them quickly, given the opportunity.

This isn’t an approach that is universally-embraced though, and I’m sure that you can think of times where you may have met someone in a professional context that clearly didn’t know their subject-matter well, but yet wouldn’t simply close their mouth.

What was the last “thingy” moment you had, and what did it prompt you to (re)learn?

Contactless payment cards: if they're a benefit, it's not my problem...

There has been a bit of a hullabaloo on the social networks recently about contactless payment cards. It’s the usual sensationalist story intended to catch your interest and make you foam at the mouth, where the usual faceless legions of criminals are apparently wandering around with merchant terminals, bumping into you on the train and taking a contactless payment without even a how-do-you-do.

Normally I wouldn’t get involved, but I’ve also noticed that some people are wading into the argument and posting links to a debunking site claiming that it isn’t something to worry about [1]. However, that’s not entirely true.

Knowledge is after all power, so if reading this makes you a little more informed, then hopefully you’ll make better decisions and maybe even live happily ever after. Awwww!

So, the facts:

Uno: “your transactions are guaranteed against fraud”. Whilst true, noticing the fraud and providing the burden of proof still falls to you. Then even once detected, it will often take weeks to get your money back [2]. Additionally, contactless payments are often processed offline, so that a stolen card can still be used for weeks’ after it has been reported to the bank [3]. I don’t know about you, but I probably wouldn’t notice an isolated transaction for £20, and even if I did, would I spend hours on the phone to the bank, followed by filling in claim forms? Probably not. So like many things in life, prevention is definitely much better than cure.

Dos: “contactless cards only work at short distances”. Whilst this is true for the merchant terminals (intentionally so, otherwise anyone standing at the same bar could be accidentally paying for your drinks. Heaven forbid), it isn’t true for a custom piece of hardware [4]. Using the right equipment, your contactless card can be accessed by someone standing well away from you, and you would never know. Makes sense though, after all it is contactless by design, no?

Tres: “contactless card transactions can only be made by authorised merchants”. This bit is true, and what’s more, to be an authorised merchant you need to jump through a collection of hoops to prove your identity. However, that isn’t the whole story. The information available to someone accessing your contactless card includes the long card number (which the card industry refers to as the PAN) and the expiry date. Both of which can be obtained without making a contactless payment [5]. These are the self-same details that the bank considers sensitive, and encourages you to protect so that you don’t become the victim of fraud [6]. However, the bank themselves have put them on your payment card, so that anyone in the same room can read them without you ever knowing. Doesn’t make a lot of sense does it?

So in summary, if you think that it would be fine to print your card details on a T-Shirt and wander around, then you have nothing (new) to worry about. For everyone else, I would recommend keeping all your contactless cards (yes, your Oyster card and building access tokens too) in something designed to protect them from unauthorised access.


  1. http://www.thatsnonsense.com/can-criminals-press-a-contactless-pos-device-to-your-wallet/ 
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1KD40dVs0FmtnRv4ByszLr8/bank-fraud-easy-to-be-a-victim-hard-to-get-your-money-back 
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/dec/19/contactless-payments-card-fraud-after-cancellation-bank-account  
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/bank-accounts/10416659/Engineers-claim-to-prove-risks-of-contactless-bank-cards.html  
  5. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/07/which-reveals-contactless-card-flaw-409322/  
  6. https://www.lloydsbank.com/credit-cards/internet-fraud-protection.asp